Wednesday, August 16, 2006

We need some judges...

Yeah, I know that I said Char and I would judge, but I was just being silly. I mean, how are WE supposed to decide which one of those is better?

So, we're putting it on you guys. YOU be the judge. In the comments section of THIS post, tell us which entry you liked the best. You have a little over 24 hours. Tomorrow at noon, I will come in and count the votes. Then, the winner will be posted. Once the winner is announced, we'll get you in touch with Robin so you can claim your prize.

On your mark...get set...JUDGE!!


Robin L said...

Wow. What a bunch of great entries! This was such a cool idea for a contest, Dee and Charity!

Marg said...

No. 1 for me!

ZaZa said...

What the heck? #2. I love turning the myth on it's head and having a chubby, sweet-tempered were.

dee said...

Judging is now closed. We have a few e-mail responses to tally as well. I will have the winner posted first thing in the morning, or maybe later tonight!

I want to give ALL FOUR OF YOU a copy of the book. Think Robin would mind? Hop over to her blog and read my comment to her, on her newest post where she talks about THIS CONTEST. I had such a GREAT time at the book store this morning!!